Wills & Power Of Attorney.
After separation, we suggest that you review your Will. Now that you have separated from your spouse or partner, your Will may no longer be appropriate. By reviewing your Will, you can carefully ensure that it reflects your true wishes in the event of your death.
What happens if I do not update my Will?
If you do not update your Will after separation, any provision made to your former spouse will continue to apply.
What if I do not have a Will?
If you do not have a Will, we suggest that you obtain one immediately. If you have separated and die without a Will, Victorian legislation will determine how your estate is to be distributed. This means, that your former spouse may receive a significant portion of your estate.
At D & M Lawyers we offer a fixed fee for Basic Wills:
Basic Will - $350 including GST;
Basic Wills for Couples – $525 including GST; and
Basic Will for Pensioners (Pensioner Card must be provided) - $270 including GST.
Powers of Attorney
If your former spouse or partner is nominated as your Attorney on your Enduring Power of Attorney document, we recommend that you update this. It is important to consider whether you want another person (other than your former spouse or partner) to make decisions on your health and finances if you are incapacitated.
D & M Lawyers also offer drafting Standard Wills and Powers of Attorney as a stand-alone service.