Victims Of Crime Assistance Tribunal.
The Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal (VOCAT) was established to provide financial assistance to victims of violent crime. This is done by granting the victim financial assistance to help with:
• Counselling and medical expenses;
• Safety related expenses;
• Loss of earnings – up to $20,000;
• Assistance for reasonable funeral expenses;
• Loss / damage to clothing worn at the time of the incident; and
• Other expenses.
The total amount of assistance available to a primary victim for expenses is capped at $60,000 and $50,000 for a secondary victim.
In addition to the expenses listed above, a lump sum payment referred to as ‘Special Financial Assistance’ may be available to a victim who has suffered significant adverse effects because of the crime committed against them.
Who can apply?
For you or a family member to have a claim, the crime must have occurred in Victoria and caused injury or loss.
The crime must have:
• Been reported to police within a reasonable time. The police do not need to arrest or charge anyone - however, the tribunal must be satisfied that a crime took place.
• Occurred within the last two years. Although, it is possible to seek an extension of time in some circumstances.
If you satisfy the above criteria, our lawyers can assist you to lodge an Application for Assistance with the Tribunal. An Application should be made within two years of the crime, although in extenuating circumstances extensions can be obtained. It is important to note that legal services are provided at no charge to the victim. Our fees are separately paid by the Tribunal.